Summer is a necessary evil, I suppose. A wasteland between spring and fall that must be endured. However, the question is how does one do so gracefully and looking swelter-free? I've put together some handy tips, taken from personal as well as professional experience based on surviving several summers of sweltering concrete heat both here and across the pond.
1. Tissues are Our Friends

When it comes to these humid, hazy days of summer, I realize that my mother may have been onto something with her handbag stuffed with what seemed to be a neverending supply of tissues. Although she was never one for wearing much makeup, she did manage to instill in me the value of blotting. What's the point of layering more powder over top of a damp surface? It's simple chemistry - powder plus liquid equals paste. However, if you were to carefully blot that dampness away, you might be able to salvage some of the face you put on before you left the house. Or, at the very least, be able to start over with a dry canvas. Which brings me to my next point...
2. Less is Sometimes More
Now I'm not normally one to subscribe to this time-honoured beauty tradition. In fact, I'm more inclined to go by way of the drag queen in most cases - when in doubt, incorporate some rhinestones or feathers or something. However, I did spend enough summers on Queen West in the Nineties watching the weekend goths with their black velvet capes sweating through their pancake faces to know that summer is the one time you would do well to follow this particular guideline. So maybe when you're getting ready in the morning, go a little lighter than you normally would. Use a loose powder or powder foundation with a big fluffy brush to provide a base as well as keep the shine at bay. Eyeshadow smudged into both the upper and lower lashline can work to emphasize eyes without running the risk of turning you into Marilyn Manson by midday. A dash of gloss adds both colour and shine to your lips without the heaviness and subsequent colour bleed a lipstick can sometimes have. And of course, a whisk of blush or bronzer can give your face a healthy glow. And not the kind that comes from an hour of public transit without air conditioning.
3. Make your Products Work Overtime (so you won't have to)
No one wants to work more than they have to in the summertime, and

So there you have it. Short of having your own wind machine or gorgeous young minions who follow you about fanning you with a couple giant palm leaves, those would be my top tips on how you can beat the heat and look halfway decent doing it. But no woman is an island. I'm always interested in hearing how you plan to stay cool and gorgeous in the sweltering summer months to come.
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